
Gummy Smile? You Don't Have to Live with It

Instances When You Should Contact A Dentist Immediately

A dental emergency can result in the loss of a tooth if it is not treated promptly and correctly. Nevertheless, some people do not realize when they are experiencing a dental situation that requires immediate professional care. 

When a dental emergency occurs, you should be seen as soon as possible. This is quite different from a routine or nonemergent situation that can wait for a week or even months before treatment. 

Here are a few instances when you should contact a dentist right away.

Your Tooth Pain Won't Stop

Minor cases of tooth pain can often be soothed with over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen or analgesic gels. These products are designed to calm minor mouth discomforts, such as the discomfort associated with teething. However, when a serious oral condition, such as a tooth infection, occurs, the pain medicine will likely be ineffective. 

Tooth infections can develop quickly and cause intense pressure to build within the pulp of the tooth, where the dental nerves are housed. This pressure can cause the tooth pain to become intense, as it inflames the nerves.

If a tooth infection is treated promptly with antibiotics, the pressure may subside on its own. Still, an endodontic procedure, such as a root canal treatment, may be needed to salvage the tooth. An infection that remains untreated may spread to the bone of the jaw and cause further problems.

Although all severe tooth pain is not caused by an infection, when serious tooth pain that does not subside does occur, your mouth should be promptly assessed by a dentist. He or she can determine the cause of the pain and the best course of treatment. 

You Have Visibly Damaged a Tooth

If you have chipped, cracked, or dislodged a tooth, you should seek emergency dental care. The chip or crack may appear minor, but it could allow the bacteria of the mouth to gain access to the inner chambers of a tooth. Additionally, a tooth that has been dislodged can only successfully reintegrate with the mouth if it is placed back in its socket before the soft tissues on the tooth die. 

After you notify the dentist that your tooth has been knocked out, the dental professional will likely have your rinse the tooth and preserve it in the pocket of your cheek or a cup of milk as you head for the dental office. The sooner the tooth is back in its place, the greater the chance of a successful reintegration.

For more information about dental emergencies, contact the office of an emergency dentist in your local area to schedule an appointment.

About Me

Gummy Smile? You Don't Have to Live with It

I have always had healthy teeth, but I hated my gums. When I smiled, more gum than tooth showed. No one ever said anything about it to me, but it made me self-conscious. My mother always told me that my gums would stop bothering me when I was older, but unfortunately, they didn't. I began looking into what I could do to finally have a smile I liked showing, and I learned that I could have a procedure that removed my excess gum tissue that was relatively simple. I had it, and I now love to smile! I created this blog to remind other people that they don't have to just simply "live with" teeth or gums they are not happy with. There are so many ways to improve your smile today, and if they make you feel better about yourself, then why not go for it?

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