
Gummy Smile? You Don't Have to Live with It

Are You The Caregiver For Your Elderly Sibling? Tips To Help Them Prepare For Their Dental Implant Procedure

As your sibling's caregiver, you want to do everything you can to help them stay healthy. Tooth restorations help your loved one to eat a nutritious diet, and you can look forward to seeing them enjoy greater happiness with their smile after their dental implant procedure. While dentists successfully place dental implants all the time, you can use these tips to help ensure that your loved one has a successful recovery.

Stock Up on Soft Foods

During the first few days after the procedure, your sibling's gums may still be too sore to eat harder foods such as nuts or raw vegetables. However, your sibling's body still needs proper nutrition for their mouth to heal. Head to the grocery store and stock up on softer foods such as pastas and soups. If your sibling loves fresh fruit and vegetables, then consider blending them into a smoothie that they can chill for a nutritious treat that is easy on their healing gums.

Help Them Follow the Pre-Op Instructions

Dental implants are placed using a surgical procedure that requires your loved one to follow specific instructions before their appointment. For instance, your loved one may need to stop taking medications such as blood thinners or aspirin, but check with their dentist and physician first before changing their medication regimen. If your loved one chose sedation for their procedure, then they may also need to fast for a specific amount of time. You can help them follow the pre-op instructions by providing gentle encouragement and reminders until it is time for their appointment.

Promote Rest After the Procedure

Try to help your loved one plan their procedure for a time when they can avoid other strenuous activities during the first week of their recovery, such as heavy exercise. While they may still need to attend other medical appointments, it is best to avoid activities such as parties so that their body can rest. You can help your loved one rest by scaling back their daily routine so that they can focus on healing. In the days leading up to their procedure, plan quiet activities to enjoy during their return home that help distract them from any discomfort they experience. For instance, you could play board games together or indulge in a movie marathon of your favorite genre.

As with any dental procedure, you should expect for your loved one to require some healing time as their body gets used to the implants. With just a little rest, nutrition and encouragement, your sibling will be able to get through the first few days after their implant procedure with all the support they need to stay comfortable.

About Me

Gummy Smile? You Don't Have to Live with It

I have always had healthy teeth, but I hated my gums. When I smiled, more gum than tooth showed. No one ever said anything about it to me, but it made me self-conscious. My mother always told me that my gums would stop bothering me when I was older, but unfortunately, they didn't. I began looking into what I could do to finally have a smile I liked showing, and I learned that I could have a procedure that removed my excess gum tissue that was relatively simple. I had it, and I now love to smile! I created this blog to remind other people that they don't have to just simply "live with" teeth or gums they are not happy with. There are so many ways to improve your smile today, and if they make you feel better about yourself, then why not go for it?

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