
Gummy Smile? You Don't Have to Live with It

When Would You Need To Visit A Dentist More Than Twice A Year?

In most cases, dentists will tell patients to come back every six months to get their teeth examined and cleaned; however, there are times when dentists encourage people to come more often than this. If your dentist recommends coming more frequently than twice a year, it is most likely because you are considered a high-risk patient. Here are several things you should know about high-risk dental patients.

What is a high-risk patient?

A high-risk patient in dentistry is a person who has a higher risk of developing oral problems. Oral problems can include cavities, gum disease, and other issues with the teeth or gums. If your dentist considers you a high-risk patient, it is most likely for a specific reason.

What would cause you to be a high-risk patient?

There are a variety of reasons dentists place patients in the high-risk category, and here are some of the reasons:

  • Smoking – If you smoke, you have a higher chance of developing all kinds of oral problems, including gum disease. Smoking would automatically make you a high-risk patient to a dentist.
  • Pregnancy – Women who are pregnant tend to be considered high-risk patients too, and this is primarily because pregnancy can have numerous types of negative effects on a person's oral health.
  • Gum disease – Anyone who currently has gum disease will also need to see a dentist more often. Dentists recommend this so that they can closely monitor the condition of a person's gums when the person struggles with gum disease.

Anyone with a health condition that causes a weakened immune system would also be considered a high-risk patient to most dentists.

How often would you need to visit a dentist if you are a high-risk patient?

If you have any condition that places you in the high-risk category, you might need to visit a dentist three to four times a year instead of only twice. If you are not sure if you are a high-risk patient or how often you should visit a dentist, talk to a dentist to find out. By visiting a dentist more frequently, you will have a better chance of keeping your teeth and gums healthier.

Taking good care of your teeth by visiting a dentist regularly is important if you want to avoid oral problems. To learn more about good oral care habits, call a local dental clinic to set up a visit with a dentist, like one from Rupp and Grabowski Family Dentistry, today.

About Me

Gummy Smile? You Don't Have to Live with It

I have always had healthy teeth, but I hated my gums. When I smiled, more gum than tooth showed. No one ever said anything about it to me, but it made me self-conscious. My mother always told me that my gums would stop bothering me when I was older, but unfortunately, they didn't. I began looking into what I could do to finally have a smile I liked showing, and I learned that I could have a procedure that removed my excess gum tissue that was relatively simple. I had it, and I now love to smile! I created this blog to remind other people that they don't have to just simply "live with" teeth or gums they are not happy with. There are so many ways to improve your smile today, and if they make you feel better about yourself, then why not go for it?

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