
Gummy Smile? You Don't Have to Live with It

Getting Your Kid Excited About Braces

It's better for your kids to get their orthodontic treatment early, but kids can be notoriously difficult about these things. The treatment process will progress more efficiently if you can get your kids excited about their braces. Here are a few tips to make this happen:

Explain Why They Need the Treatment

Children, just like adults, are afraid of the unknown. This is the first time they are getting braces so it's understandable they will be anxious about it. Take away some of their anxiety by explaining to them everything about the process; the orthodontist will help you will the explanation. They may not understand everything, but there is also a chance that they will understand enough to clam them a little bit. This is especially true with older kids.

Reward Them with Treats

Kids love treats; find a way of rewarding them every time they make their dental appointment, take care of their teeth as instructed or don't give you a hard time with the braces. Most dentists who handle kids' issues also have their own system of rewards, but it doesn't hurt to play your part too. For example, you can take the kid to a puppet show or park, buy them their favorite superhero costumes or build a tree house for them – you know your kid best; reward them with something they will love.

Stress How They Will Benefit From the Treatment                 

Another trick is to focus more on the results and not the process. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't explain the process, but you are better off emphasizing how they will benefit once the treatment session is over. Show the kid computer mock-ups of the final treatment if it's available. You can also have the dentist show the kid before-and-after pictures of previous treatments. Explain to them how their smiles will be more beautiful and they will be able to eat without complications.

Let Them Participate In the Process

Most kids don't want to be treated as kids; they want to be treated as grownups. Therefore, another way of getting the kid excited about the treatment is not to choose and handle every part of the process for them – let them participate as much as it is feasible. For example, you can let them customize the braces and choose their favorite colors for it.

Hopefully, the above tips will help you get your kid to accept orthodontic treatment. You can also talk to the orthodontic for help on the same. Visit a site like for more help.

About Me

Gummy Smile? You Don't Have to Live with It

I have always had healthy teeth, but I hated my gums. When I smiled, more gum than tooth showed. No one ever said anything about it to me, but it made me self-conscious. My mother always told me that my gums would stop bothering me when I was older, but unfortunately, they didn't. I began looking into what I could do to finally have a smile I liked showing, and I learned that I could have a procedure that removed my excess gum tissue that was relatively simple. I had it, and I now love to smile! I created this blog to remind other people that they don't have to just simply "live with" teeth or gums they are not happy with. There are so many ways to improve your smile today, and if they make you feel better about yourself, then why not go for it?

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